There are many things that doctors will recommend to help you combat hypertension, all of which involve living a healthier life and continuing to get checked regularly. At the most basic, you'll find that a higher amount of potassium in your diet combined with a smaller sodium intake can be instrumental in making sure that your blood pressure drops to normal, and this is where a pineapple increase in your diet can come in.
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, and this enzyme along with other nutrients in the fruit, actually help the healing process by breaking down the injured tissue. Eat the pineapple within an hour of taking off the husk. High fiber in pineapple fruit is good to cure constipation, good for your beauty and healthy. The benefit of this fruit is helping our body system to remove dead skin cell.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant, but it also helps keep your immune system in tip-top shape by increasing your resistance against colds, flu, and other infectious diseases. Fresh, raw pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that aids digestion and helps prevent inflammation and swelling. Besides increasing the ability of connective tissue to repair itself, vitamin C also increases the body's ability to fight invading bacteria and other toxins that contribute to gum disease.
Periodontal disease, which destroys gum tissue and underlying jawbones, has been linked to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. If you want to get natural vitamins - eat pineapple. To get the most out of pineapple, it is best to eat it fresh. Those with diabetes should use caution, however, as pineapple is very high in sugar. They can work well for diet and weight loss if used properly.